The 5 Habits Framework

1) Evidence (How do I know what's true?)

2) Perspective (Who might think differently?)

3) Connections (What other areas of knowledge are connected?)

4) Supposition (How might it be different if..?)

5) Significance (Is this important?)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Russia Claims Land in the Arctic

U.N. to Weigh In on Legal Access to Resources

In this Thursday, Aug. 2, 2007, photo, a titanium capsule with the Russian flag is seen seconds after it was planted by the Mir-1 mini submarine on the Arctic Ocean seabed under the North Pole.

1)  How do we know what is true in this story?  In what ways should we decide claims like this?  

2)  Why might a Russian teenager feel differently about this than an American?  The same?  Why might this be good for Europe?  Bad?

3)  How is this connected to art?  In what ways is this connected to the moon landing?

4)  To what degree would this be different if Greenland was not a territory of Denmark?  In what ways would this be different if Russia did not already have massive natural resource wealth?

5)  What are the basic assumptions in this article?  Can a new law be developed on this claim?  To whom is this story most significant?  

Extension Activities:

1)  Students can research territorial claims around the world and develop a plan for one of their choice.

2)  Students can research the development of the Russian territory and it's time zones and offer advice to leaders on how to best reach places far from administrative centers.

AoK:  Human Sciences

WoK:  Reason,

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