President Obama Sends First Presidential Tweet
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)
1) How do we know the President actually sent the tweet himself? How can we tell if other accounts are fake? What proof is required for authenticity?
2) Why might Sasha Obama feel differently about this than the White House Press Secretary? The same? To what extent might Biz Stone be more excited about this than Mark Zuckerburg?
3) In what ways is this connected to the first Presidential telephone call? First train ride? In what ways is this connected to the concept of democracy?
4) To what extent would it change the perceptions of the President's political party? What if a Republican had been the first President to adopt Twitter?
5) Why is is relevant that the President has a Twitter handle? In what ways is this significant to the future of his fundraising abilities?
Extension Activities:
1) Students can trace Presidential firsts and create a timeline of these events and place them on a scale of importance
2) Students can write a news story from the future where a future President marks a major milestone for a future technology (first ride in a driver-less car, first trip to the moon).
AoK: Human Sciences
WoK: Language
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