The 5 Habits Framework

1) Evidence (How do I know what's true?)

2) Perspective (Who might think differently?)

3) Connections (What other areas of knowledge are connected?)

4) Supposition (How might it be different if..?)

5) Significance (Is this important?)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Father's Birthday Gift Makes 19-Year-Old a Multimillionaire

Chicago teenager hits lottery jackpot on her 19th birthday

Photo: Eyewitness News$4m-lotto-on-19th-birthday/364288/

By:  Rosa Prince

1)  Should teenagers be millionaires?  How can I find a trusted source on the number of millionaires in the U.S.?  Do teenagers who earn their money appreciate it more than those who inherit it?  How do you know?  What happens to taxed income from lottery winnings?      

2)  Would I feel different about this story if it were about me?  About my cousin?  About someone who supports Republican/Democratic candidates for office?  How might an IRS agent and her father agree on her winning?

3)  Is this similar to inheritance?  How is it different?  How is the lottery like genetics?  Why might mathematicians be better at gambling?  Worse?  

4)  What would happen if she was one year younger?  20 years older?  What would you think if she was taxed 90% on her winnings?  2%?  What would happen if lotteries were outlawed in the U.S.?  

5)  What might the impact of this issue be on the winner?  Her family?  Her community?  What "lottery" have you won?    

Extension Activities:

1)  Students can study the history of the lottery and map the winners of the some of the largest jackpots.
2)  Students can track the rate of returns on different investment strategies with projected lottery winnings.
3)  Students can create a "Bucket List" if they win a similar amount and present their plans.  

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