The 5 Habits Framework

1) Evidence (How do I know what's true?)

2) Perspective (Who might think differently?)

3) Connections (What other areas of knowledge are connected?)

4) Supposition (How might it be different if..?)

5) Significance (Is this important?)

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Driver Pays More than Half Million for Parking Space

Hong Kong just set another property-price record.

Photo via @busrep

1)  In what ways are proper nouns used as evidence in this story?  What might convince someone that this was purchased for investment and not personal use?  

2)  In what ways might an American's view on this story be different than a Chinese person?  Why might an American 16 year old think about this differently than a 12 year old?

3)  In what ways is this connected to the last book you read?  To what degree is this connected to your last experience at a store?

4)  How might this story have been different if it were written 20 years ago?  In what ways would this change if the buyer was not a native of Hong Kong?

5)  What are the most significant numbers in the article?  What are some basic assumptions about parking?

Extension Activities:

1)  Students can research the most expensive cities in the world based on a variety of characteristics (etc. GDP per capita, housing, food) and identify primary reasons for the economic conditions.

2)  Students can research and propose alternative parking plans for their school at changing populations.  

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A Guide to What Teenagers Think is Cool

What is Lit?

Just some teens, enjoying the coolest brands. (Getty Images/ISTOCKPHOTO)

1)  What evidence is presented in these resources?  Is it compelling for the conclusions the authors come to?  What are the limits in surveying people for research?  To what degree can one trust the conclusion of YouTube being the "coolest" brand?  

2)  Whose perspective is represented in the articles?  Whose perspective is not represented?  In what ways are teenagers' perceptions different than their parents?  Why might a Pewdiepie subscriber think about this report differently than someone who has never heard of this YouTuber?        

3)  In what ways can this report connected to the environment?  To government and politics?  Education?

4)  To what extent would this report have been different if they extended the age range 3 years above and below?  How might these resources be    

5)  In what ways is this significant to you?  What are some assumptions about teenagers?  About the field of advertising?  What are the long-term consequences of this report?  Short-term?  

Extension Activities:

1)  Students can research the techniques used to sell products and bring in ads that use these techniques.  They can then compare them to early techniques in marketing (i.e. Listerine).  

2)  Students can create an guidebook of new words for teachers to be aware of and update it throughout the year.  They can then chart the use and disuse of slang words throughout different periods of time through research or by interviewing family members.

AoK:  Human Sciences

WoK:  Language

Friday, February 3, 2017

Wasteful Spending? US Gov Spends $2M, Finds Out Kids Like Food Un-Sneezed On

Senator Questions the Value of Scientific Research

 (Getty Images/mammamaart)

1)  Which numbers are used as evidence in this article?  What evidence is used by politicians as "appropriate" or "too much" spending?

2)  Why might a scientist have a different opinion on this than that of a builder?  Whose perspective is left out?

3)  In what ways is this connected to sports?  Instagram?

4)  How might this be different if it was written by a scientist?  What would happen if the government did not fund scientific research in the non-STEM related field?

5)  What are some basic assumptions about government?  The role of science in society?  How are those assumptions reinforced in this article?  How are they undermined?  

Extension Activities:

1)  Students can research the history of breakthroughs/inventions that have their roots in seemingly trivial experimentation and create a top ten list.

2)  Students can research Bell Labs/Raytheon and NASA/NSF for the various ways the government and the private sector approach research and development.  

AoK:  Natural Sciences

WoK:  Emotion